The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 2 Review

The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 2

This episode starts with Rick talking to Negan in prison. He is talking about how they are not fighting for survival anymore, but a new beginning.

Why do I feel like I’ve heard this same narration a thousand times? This is the kind of repetitiveness that The Walking Dead needs to rid itself of.

It’s ok that they are beginning building a new world, but I’m sick of hearing long speeches about it. It is a waste of time that could be used to draw in viewers’ attention to something new.

For example, I like Maggie’s new leadership role.

Maggie is firm, strict, and will always stick to her beliefs. She also isn’t making bad decisions, which makes it hard to dislike her. She is doing what is best for her people and carefully planning ahead for future events, even if it makes her unpopular.

This week, Maggie’s unpopular decision revolves around her unwillingness to give food to the Saviors until she gets fuel from them.

There was supposed to be fuel at the Hilltop, but some Saviors mysteriously disappeared while delivering it.

Apparently, the disappearing of Saviors has become more and more common with over six of their members missing.

The Saviors are obviously the troubled group in this newly formed group of communities.

While building a bridge to use as a trading route, tension is rising between Saviors and the rest of the communities. Saviors are still seen as the villains who helped kill so many innocent people.

This conflict was also present in the last episode. I hope this isn’t drawn out too long because the representation of the conflict in this episode was pretty boring.

While building the bride, Tara is distracting a huge herd from heading towards the construction site. Right as Tara discovers that the herd has a chance of hitting the bridge, Rick discovers that the missing Saviors were possibly in danger rather than just have run away.

Tara’s fears came true as a herd approaches Daryl’s group. Of course, the group panics and begin to make stupid decisions, like letting a log fall onto Aaron’s arm. They manage to rescue Aaron, but his arm isn’t looking too well.

The rest of the group shows up to help Daryl with his herd problem and we get this week’s supply of zombie action, complete with rolling log death traps.

During this small fight scene we get lots of zombie gore, but nothing we haven’t seen before. The Walking Dead really needs to work on improving their action scenes. After nine seasons of killing zombies, we need something a little more exciting.

Aaron’s arm has to be amputated because of his injury, and Enid is the only person qualified enough to do it. This was a tense scene that was edited very quickly, causing lots of stress for the viewers.  It was this gruesome moment that finally got me interested in this week’s episode.

As Daryl looks for the person who caused the herd to attack, he discovers it was the job of a Savior that he recently got into a fist fight with. Of course, this causes another fist fight and the show begins to lose my attention again.

Daryl loses control of his actions and begins to furiously attack the Savior.

The writers of this show really need to figure out what they want to do with Daryl. All of his actions, conflicts, and arcs revolve around his uncontrolled anger and inability to trust.

I want something new and exciting from Daryl Dixon and you would think after nine seasons they would figure out what to do with his character.

I guess we’ll just have to keep waiting.

Back at the Hilltop, Maggie has decided to form a committee of people to help decide the punishment for those who have done wrong in the community. It isn’t perfect, but it is still a step in the right direction.

The end of the episode gave me chills as Negan talked to Rick about how he is getting the new world ready for him. I don’t know if Negan will escape any time soon, but he is sure to raise a little hell when he does.

Overall, I was pretty disappointed with this episode. It didn’t move the story forward in any way and could have been a lot shorter in length.

The show is falling into all the same cliches as past seasons while the fans all beg for something new and exciting.

I had high hopes for this season of The Walking Dead after a solid premiere, but now I am starting to worry again.



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