Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 2 Review

Last time we saw the agents of SHIELD, they had just made the shocking discovery that they have traveled through time.

The group all meet up again and we are introduced to a new character, Tess. Tess is an acquaintance of Deke and she hired Deke to protect Coulson's team. Tess said that the planet was torn apart by a cataclysmic event and the Kree saved the remaining survivors, imprisoned them, and deleted all history and data from Earth. The Kree have also heard the rumors of SHIELD coming to free the peope, so they are constantly on the lookout and kill anyone who continuos to spread rumors.

May and Simmons follow Tess to the living areas for humans. It is dirty, run down, and very crowded. While on the floor, the Kree come and tell everyone that Kasius has decided to let them have food. Dry food them drops from a pipe onto the floor and people start going crazy over the food. Fights break out during the chaos and one of the Kree's servants is stabbed. Without thinking, Simmons jumps into action to treat the wound, but she is taken by the Kree because of her actions.

Simmon's decision to save the servant made zero sense. I get that she is a good person and didn't want to see someone die, but the risk was just not worth it and she should have been smart enough to see that. Other than that, the scene was very well done. The living areas are shot perfectly so that you truly feel crowded and uneasy. Agents of SHIELD does a great job of pulling you into the world and making it feel like you are there.

Simmons was taken to a nice suite where she was cleaned up for a meeting with Kasius. Kasius inspected Simmons to find that she has no scars or Metric (a device used to keep track of humans). Kasius introduced Simmons to the man that she saved and explained that he needs all of his servants to be perfect. Kassius decided to let the man continue being a servant because the wound could be hidden, but then he discovered a cut on the servant's face and the servant was killed. Simmons tried to protest, but Kassius put a strange device in her ear and Simmons lost all of her hearing. Simmons is taken to another room where strange people prepared her to become a servant.

I'm not sure how I feel about Simmon's storyline. This seems like a big development that could go on for maybe half a season. It doesn't interest me to see Simmons as a servant, I just want to see the team all escape. I also get the feeling that Simmons won't be reunited with the cast anytime soon.

Meanwhile, Yo-Yo stole a Kree tablet to see if they can get any information out of it. The Kree noticed the missing tablet and started a process called renewal. During renewal, everyone's metric either stays blue or turns red. If it turns red, that means that the person has the least amount of currency. It also means that the person must either kill themselves or kill someone else to turn their Metric blue again. The Kree guards drop a shotgun in the middle of the room and turned a couple of Metrics red. The room broke out into chaos and Coulson, Mack, and Yo-Yo needed to find somewhere to hide from the guards and killing. The team had no choice but to agree to work with a sketchy man in exchange for a Metric implant and safety.  They all have their metrics installed and survive the killing, but now they have to do business with an unethical and dirty man.

Before the renewal process, Daisy grew suspicious of Deke so she followed him. Deke enters a strange, dim lit room full of people hooked up to machines. Daisy goes to confront Deke and she suddenly collapses and wakes up in a virtual world. Daisy confronted Deke in the virtual world and discovered that the Earth was destroyed by her quakes.

I was a little disappointed with the big reveal at the end of the episode. I don't see how or why Daisy could have destroyed the Earth and I don't find it believable that she can do that much damage. However, the reveal offered no information so we will have to wait to see what really happened to the Earth.

The writers did a good job of setting up this new world and the visuals work very well for the episode. The fight scenes in this episode felt very choppy and rushed. Normally that isn't too much of a big deal for me, but I've seen what Agents of SHIELD can do so I expect more from the show. The dark and gritty mood is tiresome, especially after spending so much time in the Framework last season. It feels like the team is just in another strange version of the Framework and it doesn't feel as fresh as the last episode did. I am still excited about next week's episode and I can't wait to see what Agents of SHIELD has in store for season 5.

Overall I would give this episode 6/10 stars.


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