Float: A Cinematic VR Experience Review

While attending Wizard World Chicago I got the chance to experience Float: A Cinematic VR Experience. The attraction was put together by Newline and Warner Bros. Pictures. I eyeballed the attracted for a few days but I didn't know if it was worth waiting over 2 hours, especially since I wasn't too interested in the upcoming film, It. However, I strolled past the creepy bus today and saw barely any people waiting in line so I decided to try it out. I waited in line for about 10 minutes while listening to dramatic music and watching trailers to promote the movie. Once I got to the front I was greeted by polite and helpful representatives. I had to fill out some paperwork that said I couldn't blame them for fainting, stress, etc. It also said I could be recorded and the footage could be used in marketing materials. I waited outside the bus and was told the virtual reality experience would include subpac seat covers, loud sounds, frightening and disturbing images, virtual environments, and sudden movement. I got very excited and so did the group of 8 I was going into the bus with. 

Our time finally came and we were escorted onto the bus and entered a small room. We were lined up so there were four people on each side of the room and we faced each other. It was dark with a single light and on the ground was dirty glass. Inside the glass were creepy children's toys, shoes, and other materials that would belong to a child. We were left alone and told not to open the door to the next room. We then stood in silence as sounds played loudly, the single light flickered, and fog filled the room. The sounds included Pennywise laughing, tapping around the room, thunder, lightning, and rain. The experience lasted about 5 minutes and was extremely boring. Other than the sounds, my group was blasted with air just once. That was it. That single blast of air was all the glorified waiting room had to offer. We all just stood in awkward silence waiting for something scary to happen. Then the door to the next room opened and we were greeted to a clown. The clown laughed and told us to come inside. We moved forward and all sat in chairs that allowed us to move 360 degrees, but it was crowded and I felt I couldn't fully turn without bumping into someone. We all sat down and put on our VR headsets and headphones. 

The VR experience started off like the trailer. It was night, raining, and a boy was following his boat in the rain. Suddenly the boy disappeared and the camera followed the boat into the gutter where I was greeted by Pennywise. He introduced himself and then disappeared. The title "It" appeared on the screen and I was suddenly in a sewer drain. Walking along, I could see a little boy's hideout with a radio as he begged for help on it. I turned around and Pennywise was standing there holding a balloon. Suddenly it went dark and the clown appears in front of me holding a red balloon. He stared at me and it seemed quite real as if it was an actual person. This was a great improvement from the video game like graphics the rest of the VR experience offered. The balloon popped and blood gushed out while Pennywise disappeared.

I continued down the sewer and was greeted with more lame jump scares. Then I went to a boiler room where I saw the little boy who said I will float too. Suddenly dozens of balloons surround me and carried me into a big hole where I was greeted by Pennywise. The balloons carried me up and then popped with blood as I fell. The falling felt real and the height made me uneasy. However, the VR experience ended and I was ultimately disappointing. There were very little effects and it didn't feel like an experience at all. The headphones needed to be better because I could hear the others around me. It didn't help the VR experience started as soon as you put on the headset so everyone finished at different times. I could hear the people around me leaving and finishing up and I was still trying to pay attention to my video. It was very disappointing and I wish I didn't waste about 30 minutes of my time for such a lame experience.

I was escorted off of the bus and lead to a table where workers were giving away free pins, ballons, and posters to promote the movie. There was also a grand prize raffle I could enter free of charge. Although all that was nice, it didn't make up for the weak VR experience. It also didn't make me more excited for the movie, as I probably still won't see it in theaters. If you get the chance to check out Float: A Cinematic VR Experience, I would highly recommend you don't waste your time. There were no thrills, it wasn't scary, and I would hardly call it an "experience". I hope the movie, which will be released on September 8th, isn't as weak as it's advertising.


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